Volkert Evertsz (patronymic of Evertszoon) was a Dutch mariner who was shipwrecked on the island of Mauritius and was the last human confirmed to have seen the dodo alive in 1662. A survivor of the shipwreck Arnhem, Evertsz and other party members waded ashore an islet off the coast of Mauritius in 1662 and found Dodos and other non-flying birds. Evertsz also noted that predatory animals that were on mainland Mauritius, such as pigs, cats and others were not present here—the only introduced animals were goats.
In 2004, a significant amount of research was conducted in trying to find the islet where this sighting was made. A report by Anthony Cheke for the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius, entitled "The Dodo’s last island—where did Volkert Evertsz meet the last wild Dodos?" documents the details of research.[1]